Achievement Requires Taking a Different Approach
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
Maya Angelou
The above quote from Maya Angelou resonates. From time to time as a consultant, I do my fair share of catching everything that comes my way. That is part and parcel of the business I am in. However, it is also part of my business to throw things back at clients. That means asking questions that require the client to pause and contemplate before giving a response. Failure to do that does not further their personal or business goals or my efficacy in working with them.
I believe that all of us are faced with addressing difficult people or circumstances more often than perhaps we would like to be. Managing yourself in relation to the difficulty is part and parcel of achievement.
The other aspect of achievement that has been especially helpful for me has to do with the training I received as a Social Science major during my university days. My studies have enabled me to break ground and forge new pathways that are unique. My training in the social sciences has ensured out-of-the-box thinking and a solutions orientation that focuses on the benefits for the whole.
Having engaged both coaches and mentors, I have found that mentors are my preference. Mentors are there for a longer term and they provide a platform for strategic personal development that benefits the individual and the business or organization as a whole. For those considering developing a mentorship process, I am interested in hearing from you.
For quarterly tidbits and tips on strategies for evolving your business dynamics by focusing on your internal strengths, or of the individual considering a career move simply fill in the form below and you will receive a copy.
My purpose is to serve and work with individuals and groups for personal and organizational benefit.
All the best,