There is a lot of hype around resume tools that are available for free online. Including the latest material on the use of ChatGPT-4 as a resume tool. There are also a myriad of free resume services available through various job coaching programs and services. All of these areas, from MS Office suggestions to ChatGPT-4 to job search programs, have on thing in common: that is the lack of ability to provide more than a cursory review of the background and employment history of you as the individual.
The limitation of these tools relates back to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that rate and categorize resumes from applicants. While AI tools are somewhat helpful – they do not provide a rich and detailed methodology for categorizing and rating applicants for positions. A thorough review of skills, experience, and potential fit for a career opportunity requires a human touch to augment what AI does.
That is where my services come in terms of resumes, cover letters, and social media reviews for content. I have more than 10 years of experience working within ATS and know what content needs to be in place for an applicant to be selected for an interview process.
Services provided include coaching in relation to the interview preparation. There are many tools available online that claim to offer great tools in relation to tips for giving a good interview. The limitation of these service is their generic approach to providing you with tips and technics that are game changers in relation to an applicant being seriously considered for a role.
Touch base with me for a quotation on resume services and interview preparation.
All the best,