Small Business Challenges

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As a small to mid-sized business owner the challenges you face are frequently around resources both financial and people related. You may have a wonderful office manager or administrative assistant that manages a number of related areas for you including payable, receivables, invoicing, hiring, new employee orientations, benefits administration, to name a few.

As you endeavour to grow and develop your business you start to see certain patterns emerge. You notice employee retention is decreasing, absenteeism is on the rise, the general tone of employees has changed and the mood has become sombre and less productive. These conditions are all indicators that  expertise in terms of changing the patterns and developing systems that support people in their day-to-day work is necessary for your business to continue to thrive.

Providing timely and effective support to the challenges business owners face is part and parcel of the work that I do.

Start here to arrange a consultation regarding your needs and the facilitation of services to support you.

All the best,

